I was first introduced to Python in January 2018 when my school partnered with Cross Compute. I created a small tool that gave information about food trucks in NYC using an API from the NYC Open Data site. After that introduction I took more courses about manipulating information with Python which include; Data Analytics, Image Processing, Natural Language Processing and Information Design. In these courses I also learned about Machine Learning, SVMs, Decision Trees, Data Visualization tools, and various python libraries (seaborn, scikit, openCV, etc). You can view some of my projects below, and visit my GitHub to see more.
I always had a passion for design, but decided to pursue it after my REU experience at UMass Lowell in Summer 2017. I was conducting usability testing for their PEK app, and realized how much users are influenced by the way things are presented to them. Both in aesthetically and efficiently. After that experience, I took up my minor in Interaction Design to learn better design practices to enhance user experiences, and improve the quality of the presentations I code. Both in my minor and during my free time, I enjoyed Web Development and Design to translate non-visual concepts into visual ones. I was able to explore the following languages, libraries, and frameworks: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Bootstrap, D3js, EJS, Nodejs, React, and Angular. I was also able to use Sketch, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, XD, and Photoshop, to aid my design process before coding.
Currently out on a research expedition with my lab on the Bransfield Strait in Antarctica. I'm helping a Geology Professor from Queens College analyze seismic and other Antarctic seafloor data.
191 credits and 5 years later, I finally finished my B.S. degree in Computer Science, with my minors in music, interaction design, and math. The journey was long and tough, but I wouldn't be here today without any of those lessons, and experiences.
In June 2019, I was awarded a full scholarship that sent me to the largest Women in Computing Conference in the world, the Grace Hopper Celebration. The four days I spent here was filled with tons of networking, wholesome workshops, and phenomenal women in tech from around the world.
For my cousin's 21st birthday we took a small trip to Milan with her two friends to celebrate. Needless to say we all enjoyed the trip, the food, the sites, and the people were amazing. Milan is truly Magnificent!